It's nice to to read a good website over morning coffee. This happened today when fellow stumbler DeMerchant sent me his site. Awash in a sea of the meaningless emo flotsum of MySpace and YouTube, StumbleUpon is an island of quality. Sometimes. As it has gained in popularity, Stumbleupon has had its share of flotsam. Demerchant heads the nail on the head in his self-proclaimed rant and is trying to separate the chaff from the wheat. His point is, "Are you a good Stumbleupon friend?" Do you really share common interests? Do you take the second and give a "Thumbs Up" to pages your friends share with you? Do you exchange ideas by leaving reviews? Or are you just mindless surfing and couldn't care less one way or another.
If you have taken the time to read this post to this point, you're a good candidate to take the time to review it on Stumbleupon. Or at least give it a thumbs up. You'll find the icon conveniently placed at the end of this post. A feat that took me a whole morning to figure out how to program (Thank you).
Along with stumbleupon, I've got a couple of other blogs and pages out there on the web. As a publisher, I'm always looking for the "Hat Trick". That is to say, a thumbs up, a stumble review and a comment on the blog. As a stumbler I do not lose sight that Stumbleupon is a Social Website. Kind of a MySpace for thinking people, dare I say adults. I have had better conversations sending pages back and forth here than anywhere else. Well except for my forum. So get with it people. A thumbs up is nice but I really want to know what you are thinking.
Welcome. This is where you'll find my rantings or maybe something interesting I found while surfing the web. Feel free to comment. If you disagree and I'm very interested in hearing what you think. Let's get into it.
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16 November, 2007
Stumbling Around StumbleUpon
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Very cool post. Personally I've just started to take advantage of stumbleupons social features. As a blogger and bootstrapping entrepreneur I've realized that a blog and network on SU can be more useful and powerful than any other form of social networking. I'll send you a private SU message that I'm sure you'll appreciate.
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