Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" is probably my most favorite story. Each year I read it or watch it (George C. Scott is in my opinion the best) to remind myself to keep Christmas well.
This year has been especially hard. I was even trying to reach out to the freshly minted ex-wife and be kind at Christmas. She hasn't made it easy.
My Dad died a year and half ago and I hadn't cried. My wife left me for another woman and we divorced and I didn't cry. That's odd. I am a crier you see. Last week end we were doing prisoner exchange. "Walk towards you Mother." Her bitchy little control freak self never makes it easy. Her girl friend seems to have to always be there and the ex always puts up attitude to prove how much of an asshole I am. Anyway. I was trying to keep the Christmas Spirit. She was being a bitch and by the time I got home... Well I guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I started to cry. It roared for 40 minutes. You know what? After I stopped I felt cleansed. Like after a good hot shower.
Yeah I'm a crier and I'll probably live longer for it.
In the long run maybe she gave me an unexpected Gift. She feels that Christmas is a "Festival of Greed". But no. It's a festival of Giving and Loving and Kindness. Even in the face of Scroogy
attitudes and down right meanness. That's when it really counts.
So here's a Christmas wish from me to you (and her too). That the Season finds you keeping Christmas well. Celebrate with random acts of kindness and and unthinkable Love. Without having to be visited by ghosts.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night.
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20 December, 2007
Trying to Keep Christmas Well
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Wow! Got some feedback on this on. Apparently, I've outed the ex. In typical narrow sightedness she has missed the entire point.
Being nice to those you like is easy. Showing kindness to those who scorn you is what Christ was talking about.
Like Scrooge, I was hoping that a Christmas transformation might occur.
It didn't happen but I had a nice Christmas anyway. For me, I'll try to carry the Spirit of Christmas throughout the year. For others, maybe they were visited by the wrong ghosts.
Time will tell.
Having consulted a lawyer. Slander and libel are defined as "false" accusations that cause damage or harm. Since this post does not name anyone directly and since the person offended is in an openly Lesbian relationship, reference to it cannot be construed as a false allegation.
Let's here it for the First Amendment!
Do you think that people who are Gay or Lesbian should have special protection under the Law?
Let's hear your comments.
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