Not in a Twelve Step Program yet? Here's a list. I sure you'll find your niche.
Anonymous One - Includes a search page for finding Twelve Step meetings.
Bodhi's Buddhist Non Theistic 12 Steps - Site includes a Buddhist or Non Theistic version of AAs 12 step program.
Dual Recovery Anonymous - A fellowship of men and women who support each other in our common recovery from two no fault illnesses: an emotional or psychiatric illness and chemical dependency.
Emotional Health Anonymous - A 12-Step Program for people who suffer from emotional and mental problems not related to substance abuse.
Emotions Anonymous - A twelve-step organization for the purpose of working toward recovery from emotional difficulties.
Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous - For anyone who has problems with food or weight issues.
Misogynon - A program of recovery for women who are now in, or are surviving the effects of, a violent relationship.
Promises of Recovery Newsletter - Focuses on addicts in prison and the issue of offering treatment instead of harsher sentences for drug related crimes.
Recovering Couples Anonymous - A Twelve Step fellowship founded in 1988. The primary purpose of RCA is to help couples find freedom from dysfunctional patterns in relationships.
Serenity Found - Information, readings, daily spiritual quotes, humor, and links related to Twelve Step recovery fellowships.
12 Step Recovery @ Bella On line - Resources for help, healing, and support. They strongly encourage experience, strength, and hope.
12 Steps to Serenity - An overview of the Twelve Steps with free worksheets for working the Steps.
Twelve Step Home Page - Related information, links to recovery related sites, and recovery products.
Schizophrenics Anonymous - The mission of Schizophrenics Anonymous is to add the element of self-help group support to the recovery of process of people suffering from schizophrenia. We hope that this will contribute to the sense of well being of S.A. members and help us cope with the difficulties imposed by the illness.
Lawyers Anonymous - Dedicated to Lawyers and Judges who are in denial about their alcoholism. This explains a lot.
Divorce Anonymous - Some of us are in a crisis and may appear desperate. We seek relief from the terrible pain we have grown accustomed to feeling. We know that our suffering is related to our broken relationships.
Adult Children of Alcoholics Anonymous - Adult Children of Alcoholics is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition program of women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.
Still haven't found your program? Try These...
Recoveries Anonymous - RA is designed especially for those who have yet to be successful in their search for recovery, as well as those who have already found recovery and their family and friends.
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous -OCD is characterized by recurrent, unwanted and unpleasant thoughts (obsessions), and or repetitive, ritualistic behaviors, which the person feels driven to perform (compulsions), people with OCD know their obsessions and compulsions are irrational or excessive, yet find they have little or no control over them.
Narcotics Anonymous - RA is designed especially for those who have yet to be successful in their search for recovery, as well as those who have already found recovery and their family and friends.
Cocaine Anonymous - Cocaine Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their addiction.
Marijuana Anonymous - Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction.
Sexaholics Anonymous - The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober.
Vulgarity Anonymous - Group Counseling - This is a copy of VulgAnon 12 Steps. It is free to copy for the public.
Debtors Anonymous - Group Counseling Is your life unmanageable because of credit card debt and overspending?
Clutterers Anonymous - A 12-step recovery program, offers help to the true clutterer, who is overwhelmed by disorder. FAQs, literature, meeting list, and CLA background information provided.
DAFFY - Professional Artists Anonymous - "Drug And Alcohol-FFree, Yeah" is a supportive community of clear-minded professional artists, who are honest with one another.
Spenders Anonymous - Official web site for 12-Step fellowship on addictive spending.
Families Anonymous - Families Anonymous is a group of concerned relatives and friends who have faced up to the reality that the problems of someone close to us is seriously affecting our lives and our ability to function normally.
Gamblers Anonymous - A fellowship support group for compulsive gamblers. Bet You can't quit.
Nicotine Anonymous - A 12 Step Program offering support to those who want to quit cigarettes and quit smoking and stop other forms of tobacco and nicotine addiction. Offers smoking cessation support for men and woman, facts about the effects of smoking, and meeting schedules.
Pagan Anonymous - This is a meeting for Pagans and those of alternative spiritual pathsto discuss issues of Recovery and how to use the12 Steps from a Pagan perspective.
Liberals Anonymous - Given the difficulty in bringing liberals into the light, I thought it might be helpful to provide them with a 12-step program that could make it easier for a successful transition into reality.
Workaholics Anonymous - Workaholics Anonymous is a 12 step support group for people who want to stop working compulsively.
Adrenaline Addicts Anonymous - Those of us in Adrenaline Addicts Anonymous have come to believe that we use our own adrenaline as an addictive drug.
Parents Anonymous - Parents Anonymous® Inc. is a community of parents, organizations and volunteers committed to: • Strengthening Families and Building Strong Communities
• Achieving Meaningful Parent Leadership and Shared Leadership
• Leading the Field of Child Abuse and Neglect lip balm and to help others achieve the same freedom.
Atheists Anonymous - Established in March of 2002, Atheists Anonymous is an internet based support network for people who lack a belief in any kind of supernatural deity. We are dedicated to helping people better understand atheism through open, honest, and intellectual discussion. We also provide a safe place where atheists can comfortably express their non-belief and seek out the advice and friendship of other atheists.
Agnostics Anonymous - So you've got some questions? You're not alone.
Just when you thought God-issues were the last thing anyone would want to ask about, the opposite seems to be true. In our post-modern world, the time has passed when most people knew much about God, but it doesn't seem to have stopped them asking questions. And if that's true, maybe there are people out there in cyberspace, who would like to hear some possible answers. Perhaps people like you?
Christians Anonymous - If you are a friend of a Christian who needs help or are a Christian yourself, you have come to the right place. Within this site you will find the necessary steps that can help you or someone you love free themselves from the mental enslavement of this terrible addiction.
Homosexuals Anonymous - A fellowship of men and women, who through their common emotional experience, have chosen to help each other live in freedom from homosexuality.
Sex Workers Anonymous - Sex Workers Anonymous, formerly called Prostitutes Anonymous, is a 12 Step group of men and women of any age who have a desire to leave any arena of the sex industry, or who find they need recovery after having done so.
Ferrets Anonymous - California ferret enthusiasts have been working for ferret legalization since the mid 1980's. In 1993 a grassroots effort began with the official formation of Ferrets Anonymous.
Chain Letters Anonymous - At Chain Letters Anonymous, we understand the anxiety of breaking the chain. We want to help you overcome "forward-button addiction" and the superstitious intoxication that brings computer networks to a crawl.
Chatters Anonymous - Chatters Anonymous is dedicated to helping people who have become addicted to Internet chat by facilitating a better understanding of the difference between the Internet and reality.
Internet Anonymous - Are you addicted to the Internet? Yes? Well this is the place for you! Here you will find descriptions of the symptoms of Internet Addiction, confessions by Addicts, and even a self-help programme! Navigate your way around the site using the options bar on the left.
If this is for you, what the Hell are you doing on the Internet?
Do you have any that I missed? Add them to the comments section.
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08 April, 2007
Twelve Step Programs You Might Not Have Heard Of
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A recent copy of Reader's Digest has a couple of articles on Alcoholics Anonymous. The crux of the articles is that the famous 12 Steps, don't work at all. Apparently, there's no data to support the claim that Alcoholics Anonymous is successful at getting people to stop drinking.. From my own experience, the 12 Steps, shut down the critical thinking section of ones brain. What do you think? Comments are welcome!!
Although I'm not a Friend of Bill, I have had exposure to the 12 Steps. I agree with Micky in that it does shut down critical thinking but some some that "guided thought process" is effective in leading them to healthier choices.
However, the 12 Steps are not a cure all. Hence the sarcasm in my post right here listing the many....shall we say "misuses" of the 12 Step programs.
There is a 12 Step program to help you get away from 12 step programs.
Need I say more?
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