A PHOTOGRAPH taken by a hunter in Pennsylvania has reignited debate over the existence of Bigfoot.
Rick Jacobs claims to have taken the pictures using a camera hung from a tree with an automatic trigger.
"We couldn't figure out what they were," Mr Jacobs said in a report by the Associated Press. "I've been hunting for years and I've never seen anything like this.''
Bigfoot enthusiasts say it appears to be the real deal but, perhaps predictably because of the quality of the photos, other experts say it looks like a bear "with a severe case of mange".
The Bigfoot sighting happened near the town of Ridgeway, in the Allegheny National Forrest, which is about 115 miles north of Pittsburgh.

Pennsylvania Game Commission spokesman Jerry Feaser says bears that are regularly trapped by the agency for the purposes of tagging are similar to Jacob's photos. "There is no question it is a bear with a severe case of mange," said Feaser.
A blog posted as Feaser's and claims to feature a video of the creature is a HOAX. Attempting to view the video triggers a malignant porn worm. Read more.
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